Welcome to my first post on my new site!

For context this is the second site that I have had live. The previous site was hosted on git but was forked from an unowned repo. This site is still hosted on git but is created by HUGO a static site generator which I will discuss in a seperate blog.

This site will contain numerous things I work on. School and personal projects. Information about myself and what I do for work and fun. Hopefully CTF writeups.

Why the name? To be honest it was the many of odd names that came to mind that just fit... It is leetspeak which is simply modified spelling used on the internet. Its not code and does not really have a meaning to it. I chose Leet Tech because I want to define by "branding" as elite technology. Im aware im not the most knowledgeable or best with any tech skill however, I strive to be the best in anything I do. Although my skills aren't elite my determination sure is :).

Why create a site? Well like many in the industry I create many projects. Even if im not the first to do it and can simpy research on how to build something again I often find it hard to reteach myself things. As I traverse through coding, OS setups, building vms or my homelab, security implementation or even simple raspberry pi setups I want to document what I do. Even better if I can do so publicly anyone who is intrested can come across my projects and replicate them or better yet improve them. While im not a pro in one field, I often find myself learning about all sorts of things that peak my interest and find freedom in different topics rather than be glued to one.